Tuesday, October 27, 2009


For heartfelt thoughts; read on.
We grew from awkward conversations, weird smiles & stares
To having nicknames for each other & random burst of laughter

You played the strings and found my tone
I loved you so much with all my bones
Well it's been 1 year since I met you
Can't believe all the things that we've been through
You watched me grow up, I watched you change

(It's really nice to know that you think we're all out of time)
But don't you know we just started our lives?
You know you spin me all around
You flip my whole world upside down
(It ain't no secret you know I glow inside when I'm with you)
And just like sunshine, I hold you and I light up too

We could hide like everyday and just
Wait until the world goes away and
I don't care if we're all alone
I love you so much with all my bones
Love you way more than I know how to

Everyone should learn to be nicer and stop all the mean teasing towards one another.
On a second thought, maybe we shouldn't stop all the teasing, we should still keep some.
Or it wouldn't be the 3/3 we are anymore. But, be nice and don't go overboard.
As much as we hated each other at some point of the year we all know we can't bear to split.
Sorry for those who did not manage to go up to Secondary 4 next year.
Everyone knows you'll be able to make it to Secondary 4 so please work harder next year.
We'll never lose contact. We'll never forget one another. Promise?

(This is one of the cheesiest post I've ever typed out right from my heart but I'm glad I did)
To be honest posting this public to anyone and everyone to read is a little awkward for me.
I'd appreciate if anyone in the class would bother blogging a little something.
Ask if you don't know the password and email. I'd be more than glad to let you know.

Those who had criticized our generation
Simply forgotten who raised it.

Those who made fun of our class know it themselves that they're just jealous
they don't have half as much fun as we do. Haters make us famous. 3/3 ftw \m/

2009: I don't want the year to end just yet